Intermediate & Advanced Ceramics

8 February - 3 March 2023


Space: Plot, place, area, gap, room  

Scale:  Size, balance, range, dimension, extent  

Detail: Feature, element, facet, aspect, point  

Last term, students in the ceramics department were encouraged to focus on these three aspects, when developing their project work. The work displayed here is their response to this. 

Questions posed included:  

‘Space’ - will the work be sited in a specific area, how can the form and construction of the work enhance the feeling of space and how can the surface design, pattern or texture enrich this quality?  

‘Scale’ – would working on a larger or smaller scale bring different challenges and surprises. Does the scale of the work enhance or inhibit the quality of space?  

‘Detail’ – how can you highlight a particular feature that focuses your attention, think how a handle, rim, hole, edge, the surface, colour, glaze can draw in the viewer’s eye?