Milton Aron Aguilar Ochoa
My art cements itself on critical subject matters pertaining to humanity as well as my own turmoil with mental health. I make art as therapy to sift through those emotions whether that be to uncover them or finally bury them after proferring a piece of work. I experiment with many different media such as sculpture, photography and photoshop and carry a diverse range of influences ranging from Illustrator Alex Gamsu Jenkins to Fashion mogul Alexander McQueen.
My current project is titled ‘El Recipiente’ which translates into ‘The Vessel’ from Spanish to English. It is an installation piece that explores my past issues with mental health, specifically focusing on eating disorders and how I dealt with that state of mind. I constructed a fridge as a physical analogy to represent my body and how it is a vessel that harbors many demons. It is an interactive piece that invites you to open the fridge door and peer into the space within which contains objects and memories that riddled me during that time. The piece became a way for me to make commentary on society’s unattainable body ideals as well as move on from the turmoil it all caused.
That surreal moment in which a concept goes from an idea birthed from sentiment-to a form of tangible solace right in front of you is what drives me to forever create works of art.
Installation Piece