Michelle Cole

Michelle COle 1.png

Artist’s Statement

IN, OUT, Shake it all about…..​​

I have practiced as an Alexander Technique teacher for more than 20 years. This is a mind/body discipline that relates to  body experience and movement and is an interest and focus that has  influenced my artwork. ​

With lockdown I found myself unable to work in the usual way and while some clients have taken up the option for online sessions many have not and I have had more time for art classes. I know Ben Swift from the real world and when I saw he was offering an online sculpture course through Morley I jumped at the chance. ​

Ben’s online courses have been inspirational. I particularly enjoyed the autumn term with themes around the words from “The Hokey Cokey”. IN, OUT, SHAKE IT ALL ABOUT, TURN YOURSELF AROUND. For me, an opportunity to engage physically with the themes. I found myself casting about the home with the idea of “in” what might it be like to be inside - for example – the washing machine. Work developed from this, including working with new media like video. It’s been fun!