Claire Eggleshaw Redoutet
My final piece is an attempt to give a sonic form to the experience of anxiety, in particular, a panic attack. My aim being to explore my personal living experience with mental health. After concluding my peer research, it reaffirmed a belief that sound is the bodily sense most affected during a panic attack. Which is why I have decided to explore further within this medium. I hope the piece may resonate with those who experience anxiety, as well as those who don’t, and may provide them with a different perspective. I am very interested in the dialogue between mental health and art as therapy, and therefore, am keen to take this further as a career progression.
My artwork delves very much into my own life experiences, especially within the complexities of different emotions and helps to place individuals in the shoes of others. For me the most important element of my work is that an audience are not simply passive observers, but actively engaging with what is presented. I am most drawn towards working within the formats of sculpture, installations and audio-visual pieces.
I. Can't. Breathe.
Please use headphones and place yourself in a quiet, dark room for a better audiovisual experience.