Cathy Green

I create ceramic sculptural forms as much to help me explore ideas which I cannot visualise in 2D, as for the intrigue at what can be created in space. Clay allows me to experiment and build something which can evolve and which I cannot fully understand or explain in any other way. The possibilities are huge and whilst clay imposes its own limitations on my work, I love trying to figure out ways to push boundaries and create unique forms. The challenge of how to make an idea work in clay gets my brain whirring, and the satisfaction when I have achieved it is such a great feeling.My sculptures are inspired by geometry and patterns in nature. Often multi-faceted, they play with space, light, colour and shadow, and the relationship between the inside and the outside.

Rhombic Vase

Glazed stoneware, 14 x 12 x 12 cm

Pentagonal Rhombic Vase

Glazed earthenware, 9 x 10 x 10 cm

Inside Outside

Porcelain glazed and unglazed, 18 x 23 x 20 cm


Porcelain glazed and unglazed, 20 x 19 x 21 cm


Porcelain glazed and unglazed, 10 x 22 x 24 cm